World History Research Registry


World History Center, Department of History, University of Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh, US

"This registry is to provide information on current research with world-historical implications. Each entry provides basic information on the researcher(s) and the project. Each accompanying Project Description (limited to 1000 words) gives additional detail on the project’s topic, scope, sources, methods, theory, significance, and global dimensions, and may also indicate related literature and the place of the research in interpretive debates. The entries include research intended for publication in dissertations, articles, books, and in electronic media. The registry is intended to encourage communication and collaboration among scholars, and to facilitate the growth of a worldwide community of scholars conducting research on global historical processes. Proposals are accepted and can be posted in any language. At this early stage, the entries are listed by their date of posting. As the number of entries increases, they will be made searchable in several fields."



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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